Pricing and Implementation

So how much does Warmspace cost? Well, it depends. If your org/community has little revenue or funding, then it’s free. If you’re making a profit or have significant funding, then you’ll pay what feels like a fair contribution to help spread Warmspace to all who might need it around the world.

For Organizations

No Funds

Check-in & Align flows

Implementation Support
2 Training sessions for leaders / facilitators

Number of lobbies


per employee/month

Limited Funds

Previous tier plus Ignite, Commit & Integrate

Implementation Support
Previous tier plus 1 onboarding session for the entire organization

Number of lobbies
1 per 30 employees


per employee/month

Profitable/Well Funded

Previous tiers plus Feedback & Resolve

Implementation Support
Previous tiers plus 1 deep-dive session after 2-3 months of usage

Number of lobbies
1 per 10 employees


per employee/month


Previous tiers plus Custom Flows as need

Implementation Support
Previous tiers plus monthly activation sessions for groups of 50-100 employees with a world-class facilitators

Number of lobbies


per employee/month

For Communities

No Funds

Check-in & Align flows

Implementation Support
2 Training sessions for leaders / facilitators

Max participants

Community Sessions / Month


per month

Limited Funds

Previous tier plus Ignite, Commit & Integrate

Implementation Support
2 Training sessions for facilitators

Max participants

Community Sessions / Month


per month

Profitable/Well Funded

Previous tiers plus 1 custom flow

Implementation Support
Previous tiers plus 1 facilitated session with the entire community

Max participants

Community Sessions / Month


per month


Previous tiers plus Custom Flows as need

Implementation Support
Previous tiers plus monthly facilitator training sessions from world-class facilitators

Max participants

Community Sessions / Month

Talk to us

Implementation Process

If you’ve already experienced Warmspace and decided that it’s right for you, then contact us to settle on pricing and contract details. After that, you’ll proceed as follows:

Step 1: Kick-off Session

You’ll initiate Warmspace in your organization by running your own Align Flow. Invite as many people as possible to experience Warmspace for the first time and discover its power and simplicity. Your champion from the first two Align and Commit flows will facilitate, even if the overall leader is someone else. Warmspace does most of the heavy lifting, so you don’t need to be a good public speaker or have any facilitation skills.

Step 2: Setup Your Calendars

With advice from us, you’ll pick which Flows are right for your team and schedule a recurring cadence of Warmspace sessions. Make sure it’s on everyone’s calendar. We recommend making attendance mandatory if that’s an option for you to get the most out of the experience.  You’ll start by running 30-45 minute Flows either bi-weekly or monthly.

Step 3: Scaling Up

Once everyone has gotten comfortable with Warmspace, you can layer on 3-5 minute Flows into your existing daily or weekly routines to bring out your hearts and full humanity into all of your meetings. In time, you can expand into using our more advanced Flows or get creative and customize Flows to your team’s needs. You can even start including your outside partners/vendors/contacts to bring out the love of truth, beauty, and goodness in all your interactions.

Want to give Warmspace a try?

Experience the power of Warmspace with your team at no cost.

Still have questions,
but not ready for a demo? 

Contact Us Below